Saturday 10 September 2011

A Welcome Note

I first joined blogger in 2007 because I could, I later used it to watch a classmate's photography blog once or twice.

I've meant to keep a blog on here for various reasons, for expression of thought, mostly but what I wanted to express has varied over time. I've opened blogs and closed them without making entries and I've contemplated writing entries but not really been sure what I was writing was good enough, or unsure of how to say what I want to say.

I have another blog on a different platform for different uses but as I gain more followers who are there from fandom - though not for my fanart in almost all cases - I feel less comfortable with expressing myself.

This blog may not show my worst days, because I rarely write on those and it may not always be happy. It may be seemingly random, irrelevent, triggery or otherwise an information 'overshare'.

I am currently in the process of going to the doctors to get a referal. Something I want, but am terrified of doing. So I call myself lazy.

In truth, I do not know what lies ahead of me, I do not want to speak to people and I'm scared. I hope to go to the doctors, soon, though.

This blog will probably detail my journey through life; diagnostic, school and otherwise.

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